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"A monthly direct debit or one off donation would give more children the opportunity to learn and more young people the opportunity to coach."


We need to raise funds to pay for the following costs:


  • Insurance (£5m cover)

  • Coach fees and expenses (yes, we try to pay them. They love what they do and often offer to do it for nothing or for their travel and subsistence expenses only but we don’t pay them much and in general they’re young people studying, looking for work or in low paid jobs so we want to pay them. We’re a youth development organisation. It’s in our nature.)

  • Boards, helmets and pads

  • DBS check processing costs (for coaches and volunteers)

  • Coach Basic Sport First Aid Training

  • First Aid Kits

  • DSLR Camera

  • Branded marketing and promotions material e.g. stickers, banners, hoodies, t-shirts, metal water bottles, T Tools

  • Web domain and email

  • IT hardware and software

  • Administration (printer, print cartridges, paper, laminator pouches, laminator)

  • Postage and packaging

  • Membership of relevant bodies and organisations

  • A large broom


Please make your donation either by clicking the button to be taken to PayPal

or by transferring funds directly to our account:


Acc No.: 80217834

Sort Code: 60 02 49


If you do make a donation please download and complete the Gift Aid Declaration form by clicking this button and emailing it to





Thank You!

The Skateboarding Foundation helps young people to develop their skills and abilities to enable them to fulfil their potential and participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

Established 2015. 

Foundation CIO registered with the Charity Commission No. 1166397. Company No. CE006151.

Sign up for information, updates and offers:

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